Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Man = Creation Or Man = Disaster

 If I given the power to create life as Frankenstein did, i would create such life because maybe with that creation it could lead to something big.It may change history as we know it. It would also not be a good thing because what if it all went wrong and the creation hurt or killed people. Creating something could go both good and bad because you do not know what the outcome is going to be.
  If I created life it would be awesome, especially if it did what i told it to do. Man made human creation, is something that would change generations by helping people that feel lonely. It would be nice to know that man is able to create man without a need of another gender.
 Many things can go bad when creating something you do not know the outcome of. That is why, if man created man it could lead to the creation going psyco and kill people or the creator. It may be a succes at first then later be a regret.
  With the conclusion of man creating man it could be bad and good.The monster could be Ferine to his nature. In my decision i would create man because it might help humanity in the future. Creations could lead to disaster killing and hurting people.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Thoughts Before Reading Frankenstein.

 My English 11 class is about to start reading Frankenstein. I have not read any Frankenstein books but i have seen the movies. My predictions on reading Frankenstein, are from what i have seen in the movies. Meaning a green monster looking man, with metal bars sticking out of his throat, and can not speak well, created in a lab by a mad scientist.
 I do not believe in the sorcerer's stone due to the fact that people say magic is fake. How can a person live for all eternity just because of a stone, it is not possible. The sorcerer's stone is just a myth like other stories created by humans. I believe immortality is fake too, because people can not live for so long, everyone dies when it is there time.
 The way the book sounds so far, sounds like it is already different from the movie. I can tell this is going to change my view over Frankenstein's story. I think I'm ready to read this book, and find out the differences from the movies i have seen.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Theme Word

 I chose the word success because I want to be successful in life and have a bright future. As I wonder why I chose the word success, I think of the choices I am making and how they are going to affect me. My life next to the word success makes no sense because I have no success yet, I am hoping that the choices I think are good for me will change that.In 2012 I want to accomplish some goals that i have set, that i know will help me be successful.

 So in this year we call 2012 , I hope my success in life increases more than it was last year. There are going to be decisions that are worth taking risks for, but if it leads me to success I am all for it.