Friday, May 18, 2012


My pet eagle is fly,
He made my sister cry
Pecked her in the eye.

He told her mean words,
So she didn't feed him worms
His stomach was flat and ferm,
He went to school and couldn't learn.

His stomach cried and moaned,
He gave his feathers for a loan,
But could only afford a dog bone.

He said sorry to my sister,
He admitted he missed her
But he was still hungry.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cost Of Life

The responsibility of life is on the person that is responsible for other people. When you live you never live forever.Living was never meant to be easy, it is always full of responsibilities. Anything living has a responsibility in there life time not just once but multiple times.

The captain in The Titanic was responsible for the lives of people that were on the ship, he promised to get them to their destination. Another responsibility is he had to get them to there destination safely, so they would experience a rewarding trip. The captain failed his responsibility therefore lost his life with the ship.

In Call of The Wild, the main dog Buck had the responsibility of this pack after he became the alpha dog. Buck had to take on new things which everyone has to go through in life. His responsibility was to keep John alive because he owed him his life, for saving him.

Having responsibilities is tough but its a part of life and we all have to go through it. Even myself, I have the responsibility to take care of my little siblings and to live my life, with no worries. Hakunna Mattata!